Attending Cloudfest and two new sponsors

After an exciting time at WordCamp Asia, March continues to bring awesome things for contribution to me. I am pleased to announce I am finally going to be taking part in the CloudFest Hackathon and also have two new sponsors, Big Scoots and Kinsta. This now means I am sponsored for just over a day a week every month and have a clear focus to the work I am doing.

Big Scoots

I am incredibly grateful to be sponsored by Big Scoots. We are working out what the focus will be, our starting point is triage and queue clearing along with supporting my work on the 6.8 release.


I continue to be grateful and thankful as I am also being sponsored by Kinsta for the entire year. To know that for a year a day a month is covered, is incredibly significant to a contributor. Sponsorship like this really matters to people and the project as a whole.


I attended this event last year but I didn’t go to the hackathon. This year I have the pleasure of not only going to the event, but also being part of the hackathon. I also have the delight to be co-moderator of a fireside chat with Mary Hubbard during WP day. I am excited to meet people there.
