Strike while the fear is low
Today I happened to be taking a tea break and saw a post in Slack by Cory Miller sharing a challenge he’s embarking on of 30 days clicking publish. I paused; I found myself wanting to click away, but for some reason, I wasn’t able to, and I found myself in this editor writing this…
Tips for creating in the site editor
A few days ago, I wrote about creating themes and my current process. I wanted to share some things that have made it easier for me using the full site editor. Reset and undo are friendly There are tools to undo anything. Even if you save something, you can remove a template, template part or…
Creating a theme
I am still like many discovering how I create themes using site editing, but I wanted to share my current process and some observations I’ve made along the way. The image for this post is a picture of yarn because at times I’ve felt like I am untangling yarn as I piece together my process…
Theme Way station
When travelling, way stations are great to pause, refuel, check your gear, and even observe the incredible scenery around you. I am taking a moment to do just that as I’ve been busy the past few weeks getting to know the current space of themes. Never travel alone As I have journeyed through this, I…
Theme.json inspires
WordPress themes have been stuck. It wasn’t their fault they were being asked to do so much and often had to pretend they were plugins. The end result of this was seen in code weight, style stagnation and generally a lack of excitement around themes compared to the years gone past. I don’t say this…
Look before you work
I had a Labrador that was fearless about jumping into the water. No matter what body of water it was, she would launch herself into it, seemingly without checking the depth or anything in a blissful trust of the water. Of course, we’d all love to have that total trust as we start a project…
My talk writing process
Over the years, the way I write talks has varied. It’s morphed and iterated to a place where there is a particular flow I go through every talk. I wanted to share this as often I feel the creating of talk is an unknown thing, so here is how I do just that. Note storming…
Lithosphere: a theme seed
I took some time over the holidays to plant a seed and create a new theme for this and a few sites. I had a few objectives this time around that I wanted to achieve and the biggest of these was to create a foundation I could experiment from over the coming year. Keep it…
The start of a block building journey
Over the holiday break, I set myself a challenge of building an editor block. While I have worked within blocks and the editor, I have yet to make a block. The time had come to change that. Now, I want to be clear before I write this post that my JavaScript skills are still light…
Design Ops in Open Source
This post is from a talk given as part of the Joint Futures conference and is the transcript presented. You can find the full slides here. Imagine a space where anyone can comment on everything you create. Where people across the world unite to create something given away for free. Where no matter what your skill you could…