Block supports

Sometimes it’s hard to remember what each block can have, so this is a guide to each block and the options.

I scanned each block.json for these settings.

09/08: all included apart from ones with anchor, align, customClassName, className, reusable, HTML, multiple, inserter support.

Some blocks might be in progress, those aren’t included above. This is just based on the latest release of Gutenberg plugin as of 09.08.21.


🧪 = Experimental (features in progress)

ButtonFont size, 🧪 font family🧪border ( radius)Text, background, gradients
CodeFont size
ColumnText, background, gradients, linkPadding
ColumnsText, background, gradients, link
Cover🧪duotone, text, backgroundPadding
Group🧪border (color, radius, style, width)Text, background, gradients, linkPadding🧪Layout
HeadingFont size, line-height, 🧪font-weightText, background, link
Image🧪border(radius)Text, background, 🧪duotone
Latest comments
Latest posts
ListFont size, 🧪font familyText, gradients, link
LoginFont size
Media TextText, background, gradients, link
NavigationFont size, line-height, 🧪font-style, 🧪font-weight, 🧪text-transform, 🧪font-family, 🧪text-decoration
ParagraphFont size, line-heightText, background (not gradients), link
Post authorFont size, line-heightText, background, gradients, link
Post comment
Post comment author
Post comment content
Post comment date
Post commentsFont size, line-heightText, background, gradients, link
Post comments countFont size, line-height
Post comments formFont size, line-heightText, background, gradients, link
Post comments linkFont size, line-heightLink, background
Post content
Post dateFont size, line-heightText, background, gradients, link
Post excerptFont size, line-heightText, background, gradients, link
Post featured image
Post navigation link
Post template
Post termsFont size, line-heightText, background, gradients, link
Post titleFont size, line-height, 🧪 font familyText, background, gradients, link
PreformattedFont sizeText, background, gradients
Pullquote🧪border (color, radius, style, width)Text, background, gradients, link
QueryText, background, gradients, link🧪Layout
Query paginationText, gradients, background, link
Query pagination nextFont size, line-heightText, gradients, background, link
Query pagination previousFont size, line-heightText, gradients, background, link
Query titleFont size, line height, 🧪 font familyText, background, gradients
Search🧪border (color, radius)Text, gradients, background
Site logo
Site taglineFont size, line height, 🧪font family, 🧪 text-transform, 🧪 letterspacingText, background, gradientsMargin, padding
Site titleFont size, line height, 🧪 font family, 🧪 text-transform, 🧪 letterspacing, 🧪 font-weightText, background, gradients, linkMargin, padding
Table🧪border(color, style, width)Text, background, gradients
Template partText, background, gradientsPadding🧪Layout
Term descriptionFont size, line-heightText, background, link
VerseFont size, 🧪font-familyText, background, gradients, linkPadding


Options to turn on/off block styling.

This is a growing list and not complete yet.

SectionSettingValueOptionsBlock supportNotes
settingsbordercustomColortrue/falsepullquote, group
bordercustomRadiustrue/falsebutton, pullquote, group
bordercustomStyletrue/falsepullquote, group
bordercustomWidthtrue/falsepullquote, group
colorcustomtrue/falseany with colorSets custom color
colorlinktrue/falseColumn(s), group, heading, list, media/text, paragraph, post author, post comments, post comments form, post date, post excerpt, post terms, post title, pullquote, query, query pagination (all), site title, term description, verseSets custom link