Category: Blog

  • Sponsored contribution reflections

    For the past six months I have been sponsored by Automattic for 2 days a week to focus on the default theme task force. First, I want to say thank you to everyone that supported and enabled this focus work. Stats When my sponsorship focus started the default theme queue had over 400 tickets and…

  • Prioritisation is challenging in Open Source

    Everything I write in this post comes from having been on many sides of projects. I have been the one lost, needing to learn how to prioritise, and the one looking to prioritise. Both are challenging to sit in, and simply knowing what to do is the eternal issue with a contribution. You can’t escape…

  • Focusing contribution on the Default Theme Task Force

    Back in December last year, there was a proposal for a task force focusing on the default themes. This came from discussions at the Community Summit titled ‘“Improving the maintenance of older default themes’. This was a great discussion that went in many directions, the key point was in order to progress we need to…