• Attending WordCamp Asia and new sponsor for contributions

    January flew by, and as I am heading out to WordCamp Asia, it’s time for a little update post. I also have some great news regarding sponsorship. Attending WordCamp Asia Next week, I will attend WordCamp Asia and am very excited to spend the day focusing on Contributor Day. I have lots of things planned…

  • September in WordPress

    With the leaves falling and changing colour this month of September has closed. Earlier in that month I wrote a reflection as I wrapped up my focus on default themes. This post wraps up the month just gone. It was a slower month with actually taking some time off during it to recharge and think…

  • Contribution reflections

    For the past six months I have been sponsored by Automattic for 2 days a week to focus on the default theme task force. First, I want to say thank you to everyone that supported and enabled this focus work. Stats When my sponsorship focus started the default theme queue had over 400 tickets and…

  • Update on default theme focus

    Since March, I have been sponsored to focus on the default theme task force. I wrote about this at the start of my work. Now that we have passed the midpoint, it’s a good time to check on what has gone on and where things are. Theme stats Statistics are incredible, but they can also be…

  • Prioritisation is challenging in Open Source

    Everything I write in this post comes from having been on many sides of projects. I have been the one lost, needing to learn how to prioritise, and the one looking to prioritise. Both are challenging to sit in, and simply knowing what to do is the eternal issue with a contribution. You can’t escape…

  • Focusing contribution on the Default Theme Task Force

    Back in December last year, there was a proposal for a task force focusing on the default themes. This came from discussions at the Community Summit titled ‘“Improving the maintenance of older default themes’. This was a great discussion that went in many directions, the key point was in order to progress we need to…

  • Let themes be themes

    Yesterday I was lucky enough to give a talk at the WordPress Cheltenham Meetup. The topic was something close to my heart, I got to share why the changes in themes matter, what they are and how hopeful I am for the future. I took some time to write up this talk transcript and you…

  • Theme resources

    I don’t know about you, but I find so many good resources around themes lately that I feel I am constantly juggling links and saving things in the best way. I wanted to solve that a bit as I prepared for a talk this week, so I created a GitHub repo and have begun filing…

  • Controlling styling support states

    Being able to control elements of your theme through the theme.json is super powerful; however, you can also turn on and off what is supported or not. There might be an instance where you don’t want custom palettes or link colors, for example. How do you do this? Well, you can through theme.json. These examples…

  • Opening your project for contributions

    So you want to open source your project for others to contribute? That’s great, but where do you start? With a few things to consider, you can start on the right path from the start with contributions and avoid some of the common first step problems. This guide is a minimal viable opener if you…